I ran some tests in Pindgom & found that load times could be improved. The fix was to remove query strings from static resources. Here is a screenshot before optimization:
I needed to improve the load time and the perf. grade score a bit more to improve SEO ratings.
There are many websites where you can perform a speed test of your website. I would recommend either of the following:
- Pingdom: http://tools.pingdom.com
- GTmetrix: http://gtmetrix.com
The above websites also provide a ‘Waterfall layout’ which displays the sequential order in which the elements are loaded(starting from the DNS query, the wait times, load times etc). I used pingdom instead of Gtmetrix as I was able to select the server location from which the test was being conducted which made it more flexible. Now, lets gets started!
[Disclaimer: Only attempt this if you know what you are doing and make sure you have a full backup of your website just incase something goes wrong.]
To remove query strings from static resources:
Add the following to your wordpress theme’s functions.php file and save it.
/*** Remove Query String from Static Resources ***/ function remove_cssjs_ver( $src ) { if( strpos( $src, '?ver=' ) ) $src = remove_query_arg( 'ver', $src ); return $src; } add_filter( 'style_loader_src', 'remove_cssjs_ver', 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'script_loader_src', 'remove_cssjs_ver', 10, 2 );
After adding the above code, I ran a speed test in pingdom to check if there was any performance improvement. As expected, the perf. grade score increased from 78/100 to 84/100 and the load time reduced to 286ms from 975ms. Yaay!!
Also, note that if in the future you update your wordpress theme, the functions.php may also be updated/replaced. So you may need to verify and re-do this step again to make sure its persistent after the theme update.
There are plugins that do the same procedure to make things easier, but I prefer the manual way as installing a lot of plugins can slow down your website.
Have you optimized your wordpress site? Feel free to leave a comment below. Do subscribe for future updates. Happy Blogging!
[Source: Technumero, WordPress forums ]
How to remove query string from url if use CloudFlare ?
@baby, Sorry for the delay. We cannot remove all the query strings while using Cloudflare by default. I remember reading about it earlier as this seems to be a known limitation when using cloudflare.
You can remove query strings by this plugin and works with CloudFlare:
Because then in the CloudFlare settings by “cache” tab you choose “ignore” the query strings too.
But if plugin removed it already, ignore is already active. cheers
thanks ALOT for this man