Tag Archives: awscli

How to install AWS CLI in Linux + Auto command completion

This is a guide on how to install aws cli utlity in Linux along with screenshots.


– Linux.
– Python 2.6.5 or higher.

[Tested on Linux Mint with bash shell. should work on Ubuntu as well.]

Update your system and its packages:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Install Pip:

sudo apt install python-pip -y
sudo pip install --upgrade pip

Install the following modules:

sudo pip install setuptools
sudo pip install wheel

Install AWS CLI:

sudo pip install awscli

To verify that the installation went well, you can run the following command.

aws --version

If the output shows the aws version, then you are all set.

Enable AWS commands Auto completion:

-To enable auto completion of sub commands, run the following to check where your “aws” and “aws_completer” are located.

which aws
which aws_completer

-Copy the output of “which aws_completer”. This would the path.

For example, if the output of “which aws_completer” was “/usr/local/bin/aws_completer”, then enter the following:

complete -C '/usr/local/bin/aws_completer' aws

Heres a screenshot reference:

setup aws awscli aws_completer setup for bash

Verify if AWS command auto completion works:

-Run the following command and press press TAB on your keyboard after typing “ec” and it should give you the possible options:

aws ec

aws awscli autocompletion installation on linux mint

Add path to your .bashrc or .bash_profile:

To make the changes persistant for aws command completion, you can add the following to your “.bashrc” or “.bash_profile.

echo "complete -C ‘/usr/local/bin/aws_completer’ aws" >> ~/.bashrc

Hope this helps! 🙂
