Tag Archives: sector 0

How to fix print_req_error: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0 error

After a fresh install of Ubuntu, my terminal was being flooded with “print_req_error: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0” error.

dev fd0

This is because, your kernel thinks you have a floppy disk fd0, but cant find one. To fix this issue, you can run the following in your terminal:

sudo rmmod floppy
echo "blacklist floppy" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-floppy.conf
sudo dpkg-reconfigure initramfs-tools

EDIT: Thanks @Joanmi for your comment (For the noticing the issue with sudo command.) 

Misc: If you are deploying a new virtual machine, you can avoid this issue by deleting the Floppy Disk drive.

Source: StackOverflow