chrome update error

How to fix chrome update loop “Nearly up-to-date! Relaunch Google Chrome to finish updating. Relaunch”

This is a guide on how to fix chrome update loop message “Nearly up-to-date! Relaunch Google Chrome to finish updating. Relaunch

Current version: 49.0.2623.39 dev-m (64-bit)

To verify open chrome and check the version in “About” page and then check if you get the above message with a Relaunch button. Then, recheck your chrome version in “About” page and see if it gives the same message.

check chrome about

Relaunch Google Chrome to finish updating error



If its still giving you the error message “Nearly up-to-date! Relaunch Google Chrome to finish updating. Relaunch”, then you can follow these steps to resolve this issue:

[IMPORTANT: Please  backup all your chrome bookmarks and other chrome related data before attempting this troubleshooting just to be on the safe side.]

Step 1. Close all active chrome windows

Open task manger to check if there are any instance of chrome running.

If you are on Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 machine, Press CTRL+ALT+DEL together in your keyboard, and click  “Task Manager“.

Now, you will find chrome in the list, right click that and select “End Task” for any process that says “Google Chrome”.

end task for all chrome


Step 2. Delete old chrome’s executable and folder

Now, Browse to the following folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\

You will see two executable files there: chrome and new_chrome

file location C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\

Right click on chrome and select “Delete“.

delete chrome.exe

Now, rename executable file “new_chrome” to “chrome“. So after renaming it will look like this:

rename new_chrome to chrome

Now, Delete the folder with the older version number. In my case, I deleted the folder “49.0.2623.39“.

delete old chrome folder 49.0.2623.39

Step 3. Verify chrome version

Open up your chrome browser. Check the “About

check chrome about


chrome update error fixed

It should now display the message “Google Chrome is up to date.”

And Voila! You have successfully fixed the update issue.

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Source: Link

41 thoughts on “How to fix chrome update loop “Nearly up-to-date! Relaunch Google Chrome to finish updating. Relaunch””

  1. First check to make sure you don’t have another user running which has Chrome open. In my case, it turned out I had logged in with another user and Chrome was open there. When I logged out of that user, the Chrome fixed itself without further intervention.

  2. Worked like a charm on 4/25/2018! It’s amazing that they haven’t fixed this bug years later.

  3. Worked like a charm. Not sure why at this late date Google still can’t figure this out, but at least your page is there to bail us out without having to re-install and losing all our plugins.

    Thanks loads!


    now my chrome give new look new features .” im excited ” thanks big man
    i will follow tis website …..

    effectively how can i connect ur like ” whatapp or email ?

  5. Thanks! Very helpful. Success achieved today Feb 18, 2020. I took a more cautious approach, however. Instead of deleting, I renamed “chrome.exe” to “old_chrome.exe” and instead of deleting the old folder “80.0.3987.106”, I renamed it to “old.80.0.3987.106”. That way, if anything went amiss, I could get the original files back without mucking around in the recycle bin. But nothing went amiss, so now I can go back and delete the “old” file & folder.

  6. Yes this workaround works, but on mine on for any following Chrome updates the same thing happens again. Been using Chrome for a decade and never had this issue before, then it started happening at the beginning of Jan ’24. Any ideas?

  7. I had this problem installing 122.06.6261.129. Your steps were very clear and easy to follow and fixed the problem. Thanks!

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